Dozens Of East End Families Lined Up Down The Block For "Community On The Corners"

Saturday, July 27th we were able to help out some families in East End of Lexington through our “Community On The Corners “ initative! Here are some words on the experience from our director, Devine Crama:

"Today was a day I'll never forget. Dozens of families lined up down the block to receive FREE schools supplies, diapers, toiletry items, children's books, household cleaning products, detergent, food, water and more through our "Community On The Corners" initiative. An experience where JK-47 & myself perform on the street corner in under served neighborhoods while volunteers give away helpful items to families in need. With the event, slated to start at 5:30 pm, there were already a 100 people lined up down the block at 5! With it being so hot out and people getting anxious, we decided to start a little early. As people visited each table desperately searching for household items that they needed, we received prayer requests, testimonies, promises to pay it forward, and of course plenty of tears to go around. And it's not just about giving people free stuff, it's about relationship building, safe spaces, inspiration, service, and much more. Our volunteers, Jackie Spaulding, brother Spiffy Clark, mother in law Beata Weaver-Pickens, Joe Gross, Latarika Young, Shevy Threats, Muadh and Jennie were overwhelmed yet maintained poise, patience and a loving attitude towards those that they served. Many of our volunteers even stayed after to pick up trash and break down equipment after the event. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is something all Christians should strive to be and today our volunteers were that! Proud to be in the presence of true ministry. With this potentially being the final Community On The Corners event on 2019, as we prepare for our annual youth coat drive, we have a solid foundation to launch from in 2020! It was such a grind leading up to the event with fundraising, collecting items and organizing. But all of the hard work leading up was more than worth as were able to bless dozens of families this weekend. To God be the glory!!! “



It's Time For Our 6th Annual "A Coat To Keep The Cold Away" Youth Coat Drive & We Need Your Help!


Devine Carama & Carnegie Center Teach Hip Hop & Leadership To the Lexington Youth!